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Big cats' lake appearance makes a splash in Geneva, by Daniel Johnson, UN News, 22.03.2017

AQUA – Art to draw attention to the uneven distribution of water, Swiss Confederation SDC webarticle, 22.03.2017

ART CITIES: Geneva -Aqua, Part I, by Dimitris Lempesis, dreamideamachine ART VIEW, 24.03.2017

U.S. Mission Geneva, AQUA Exhibit Opens on World Water Day, 23.03.2017

Marcelo Moscheta & Jonathas De Andrade Participate in “Aqua” Geneva, PIPA Prize- The Window into Brazilian Contemporary Art, 24.03.17

AQUA- art for the world,, by Anna Nylander, 17.01.2017

Audio interview with Eduardo Srur, in English, UN Media 22.03.2017

ART SEEN, AQUA exhibition at the Chateau de Penthes, Mid Morning Mix, Art & Culture, Uli Van Nyghem and Katt Cullen, WRS Radio, 26 April 2017

Multimedia video, Hora da Onça Beber Agua, Eduardo Srur, UN Media, 22.03.2017

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